CRank: 5Score: 24210

Uncharted 1 was the second game I got for my PS3 when I first bought it back in late 2007, and it was the game that made fully realise just how powerful and stunning a gaming machine the PS3 is. Uncharted 2 simply just made my eyes pop. Definitely the best and most enjoyable games I've played this generation so far.

I do wanna see some more jungle/rainforest environments though. And this time, I wanna see some animals in the game, like wild and dangerous beasts that the...

5062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTA 4 and Red Redemption are not sub-HD on the PS3, they just happen to look a little different to how it looks on the 360. This is obviously because they different machines with different optimizations. Those screenshot comparisons are generally biased and not accurate. Pixel-counting internet geeks do not count. Most importantly, Rockstar have never admitted or confirmed this. No concrete evidence of these silly sub-HD rumors have ever surfaced.

Bungie officially admitte...

5069d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

You see what I'm talking about? People make these claims and still provide no evidence or facts. You didnt even bother to back your claims up. I have no problem accepting this - just show me a link that states this. I want to see an official statement from Rockstar admitting that Red Dead Redemption is sub-HD on the PS3 at 640p. I will accept this as concrete evidence. I'm not gonna accept comparisons from 360-biased websites like Eurogamer etc. I want official evidence, just like whe...

5072d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

These silly rumors of the PS3 version of Red Dead Redemption have never been proven to be true. Rockstar have never officially stated this and neither did any of the major online gaming websites. Just a bunch of internet nobodies on NeoGaf looking for hits. And you blindly follow and believe whatever rumors come out of the mill? If you think the 360 version looks better thats fine, but dont be quoting the PS3 version as being sub-HD when you have no facts or concrete proof whatsoever. I have ...

5073d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I enjoyed that game a lot more than GTA 4. I found Red Dead real fun and interesting to the end. In contrast, I thought GTA 4 was fun to begin with, but I felt it got too repetitive in its mission, there was not enough fun and interesting side activities and it was lacking too many good features that should have been included. Ballad of Gay Tony did make GTA 4 it feel much better however. But with Red Dead, even though the world was mostly wilderness, there was justa lot more fun things to do...

5077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've completed the main storyline of the game. I'm still yet to do everything 100 per cent though. I thought the ending was brilliant, but sad at the same time. I'm still doing all the side missions and activities that I did not get around to doing during the main storyline. I don't play it as much as I do now since completing the main storyline, I only put it on when I just wanna mess around, do random missions and explore the land and wildlife.

I cant see ...

5078d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought it was a really good game. I enjoyed it a lot more than GTA 4. I was totally impressed by the graphics. The realistic look of the landscape and natural environments just blew me away. The gameplay was really fun and enjoyable, and the storyline was solid, very good. I also really liked the wildlife aspect of the game, not too many games get it that near perfect. The fact that it's a Western game also attracted me and you dont get too many of them around. I understand the reasons...

5078d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You 360 fanatics always come up with these stupid, baseless claims that GTA 4 and Read Dead Redemption are sub-HD on the PS3. None of these claims has ever been proven to be true. Don't even bother quoting pixel-counting findings from internet nobodies at NeoGaf. Not one official statement from Rockstar has actually confirmed this. Most of the major online gaming reviewers have not noticed anything like this on the PS3 versions of GTA 4 or RDR - I have both games on the PS3 and I also thi...

5078d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

You said, "If your a competitor gamer then it's definitely the way to go. From the Party chat to the ability to appear offline, to viewing your friends friend's list to the setup in general it's just a great service."

You call that something exceptionally great that you should pay for? $50 a year for all of above is just great is'nt it? LOL, if you say so. And don't you wish that Microsoft were not so greedy in the first place that they have to c...

5080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ DA_SHREDDER - You could'nt have said it any better!

This aint even really about console or fanboys wars however. This is about consumers getting ripped off and conned and the fact that they are still accepting it and defending the company that is sucking them dry. I dont give a damn about what you 360 guys chose to spend your money on. If you wanna spend it away on something you should be getting for free then it's up to you. I'm just simply expressing my vie...

5080d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Who, just wow. In Xbox Live you get cross-game chat, voice and message texting and it's easier to communicate and invite freinds than on PSN. All of this is supposed to make me badly want the services of Xbox Live that I have to pay for it? Man, I could'nt give a flyin' f*** about that stuff. I'm only interesting in having the ability to play online thats available to me as long as I do not have to pay for it. I'm sorry but I dont see why any 360 gamer should pay to play o...

5080d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

The FPS genre was not revoloutionized by Halo 1, thats not the way I remembered it. I'm not taking anything away from Halo, I most surely do believe it contributed a lot to the evolution of the FPS genre. But it sure did not revolutionarize it - that honour goes to Goldeneye on the N64. No FPS had a greater impact on the genre than that game between now and back in the late 1990s. Goldeneye was the game that made every console gamer sit up and pay more attention to FPS once again, after t...

5082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I do, i'm only gonna say whats been said a million times over. The PS3 always had more and better features than the 360 and it still does. It is more powerful as shown in its exclusive games. Its a fact. It does not mean that the PS3 is for everyone's preference and some people like you will choose a 360 over a PS3, but facts are facts.

I think that comment above from bringitson sums up my view quite perfectly, could not have said it any better.

5084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 should have had all these new features when it first came out. It should have had HDD, HDMI, W-Fi, internet browsing and a Hi-Def disc format - all in one, when it first came onto the console market. They released that stupid HD-DVD add-on afterwards, it took a while before they finally released a 360 model that had HDMI connection (the Elite model), they released about 5 different 360 models and just kept bringing out a new one every other year confusing consumers and annoying a gre...

5084d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont mind FPS games as long as they are very good and fun to play. I've really enjoyed playing certain FPS games from past to present, COD4 and Killzone 2 more recently. However I do believe that the FPS genre is getting a little over-saturated and also running out of ideas and innovation fast. I personally think that FPS games these days are just getting a bit too samey - single player campaign and the "soooo important" multiplayer element. I mean just how much times are you ...

5084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1) Super Mario World

2) Donkey Kong Country 1

3) Jak and Daxter 1

4) Sonic The Hedgehog 1 or 2

5) Tomb Raider 1

5089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I definitely read an article on this site towards the end of last year, and it quoted Rockstar as saying that work had already begun on writing the script and designing characters for the next GTA title. I think something is brewing on the stove.

@ XxDarkGamerxX - GTA 4 was still a very good game, most of us GTA fans know this. But we also know that GTA 4 was a big disappointment at the same time - it was missing too many good features and a lot of the main storyline missio...

5103d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You gotta admit, this looks pretty pathetic and ridiculous. Like one guy in here said earlier - I definitely do not plan to play my games like this, not at all. I'm a PS3-only owner and more of a Sony fan, and if Sony released this I still would criticize it harshly. I'm not really even interested in Move. If I was into any of this stuff, I'd have bought a Wii. I dont care for any of this motion-control gaming, I'm just more of a hardcore/traditional gamer that wants great gam...

5104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know you get real gamers on the Wii, I was kinda just makin a point about more hardcore gaming thats all!

5108d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In my view, its more about whether most Sony and Microsoft gamers are gonna like these new accessories/add-ons. And to be honest with you, I'm not sure if many of them will, especially the more serious and hardcore gamers. I'm a PS3-only owner and more of a hardcore gamer, and I can tell you that I'm really not interested in Move or motion gameplay in general. I'd much rather sit in front of a TV in one place and concentrate properly on playing a game with a controller. I kind...

5108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment